Preparing For Your Interview
How to prepare for a Job Interview
Make a good impression at your interview by doing a little homework beforehand.
Research the Company and the Position
The more you know about the company and the job you are applying for, the better you will appear in the interview. An interviewer will be impressed by your interest and motivation, and you will be able to explain what you can do for the company.
Find out as much key information as you can about the company, its products and its customers. If possible, talk to people who work at the company. There may be other sources of information on the Web, especially if the company is publicly traded.
Search for the following:
- Office locations
- Products and services
- Customers
- Competitors
- Philosophy
- History
- Recent news
- Financial info, including salary and stock
- Prepare for the Actual Interview
Practice your answers to Common Questions asked by the Hiring Authority. Likewise, prepare a list of Questions to ask the employer. Most interviews follow this pattern: First, you answer questions about your experience and qualifications, then you ask questions about the job.
Rehearse your interview with a friend. You should be able to convey all pertinent information about yourself in 15 minutes. Tape yourself to check your diction, speed, and body language.
Prepare your interview materials before you leave. Bring several copies of your resume, a list of references, and, if appropriate, any work samples. Make sure they are all up-to-date.
Dress professionally and comfortably. You will be judged in some respects by what you wear. When in doubt, dress conservatively.
For women:
- A straight-forward business suit is best.
- Wear sensible pumps.
- Be moderate with make-up and perfume.
- Wear simple jewelry.
- Hair and fingernails should be well-groomed.
For men:
- A clean, ironed shirt and conservative tie are a must.
- A simple jacket or business suit is a good idea as well.
- Shoes should be polished.
- Face should be clean-shaven; facial hair should be neatly trimmed.
- Hair and fingernails should be well-groomed.
- Use cologne or after-shave sparingly.
- Bring pen and notepad to jot down any information you may need to remember.